Enter three lines of text about your business.
User will re-type this information before viewing your website. So tell them about what you have to offer, what you want them to know. Something cool / unique about your business / product, and why they should use it.
*This third line of text will be turned into an image and serve as a form of Captcha to help prevent bots from viewing your ads. Please enter between 6 and 30 characters of text and numbers only. No formatting, punctuation, dollar signs etc. Just text and numbers. A short & simple statement about your business, that users will physically have to type out before viewing your website.
Choose advertising visit time
By default ad visit time (how long our users have to view your ad) is 5 seconds. But for a small extra fee (per each ad pack purchased) you can change the ad timer for your advertisement to 15, 30 or 60 seconds.
Forced ad view
Pay extra to ensure that users need to focus on your ad being displayed to complete their ad view. Results in better ad conversion as it makes multi-tasking much more difficult for users.
Extra banner impressions: