Ad Campaign: TA-6205713
Campaign Description: 22x targeted clicks to your website for 0 seconds, after writing out 3 'copy and paste' selling points about your business.
Purchaser: amjadsabah
Campaign Status: Refunded
Total Cost: 0.88 (22 * 0.04000 per click price + $0.00 cashier fees)
Payment Method: PV Earnings Balance - Account Balance
Purchase Date: 19-06-2017 - 13:54:51
Clicks Purchased: 22
Copy Text, Line 1: sfi marketing
Copy Text, Line 2: sfi banner
Copy Text, Line 3: sfi work
Clicks Delivered: 13/22
Impressions monitor:
Data not available..
Clicks monitor:
Data not available.
*Monitor data will be available for 14 days from campaign delivery date.
Impressions monitor: