MyPTCFriend | 2015-09-04 19:13

PaidVerts Challenge - Explain This...

Hi Everyone First of all, there is no intention to alarm anyone here with this text, but to bring explanations to the table on how PaidVerts works. I am sure we all appreciate the details presented on PaidVerts pages, to let us now all the BAPs and $$$ that are coming and going. Anyway, lets go for it... Lets be simple here, but unless you track what you are doing, it may harder for you to get this: - "RIGHT NOW", go check how many "Bulk Ad Campaign" you have created so far - (open it on a second page http://www.paidverts.com/member/my_ad_campaigns.html) - How many "Bulk Ad Campaign" have you created so far? (check the number and multiply by 3100) - Have you got the number? Great - Lets say you have just started and that you have created 10 campaigns during the last weeks - as we all know, each campaign will give you back 3100BAPs - so you should have in your account about 31000BAPs (31K BAPs) - But no so far, that is what you "should" have. - During this period that you have been creating campaigns, some other things have been going on, like: - PaidVerts will hand you 8 ads that worth 25BAPs each, a day, that will sum +200BAPs to you account, a day (if you click on them and we will consider you did); - PaidVerts will discount 100BAPs a day from you as "Daily BAP Tax" - not big deal as they give you 200BAPs a day as just mentioned; - You may be requesting your "Micro Ad Packs" (recently reduced form 6 to 4 a day), that will cost you 50BAPs each, but it will give you back almost $0.025; - 5% discount on each ad you click - recalling that your 0.01cent ad gives you back 0.0095cents (0.01*0.05=0.0005cents goes to your sponsor) - Considering that you have not been gambling with your BAPs - Considering that you have not been Recycling all the annoying 0,0005 Ads (and if you doing so, you have an idea how many you are recycling a day) - As our example, we will not consider all the extras BAPS you must have got during this period (gained by clicking on the 8 ads that worth 25BAPs each, a day), if you have created 10 campaigns during the last weeks, you not just should, but you HAVE TO have all you BAPs in place or, for sure, AT LEAST all money from part of your BAPs converted in Cash during your clicks - So if you have half of your 31000BAPs converted in cash (15500BAPs), you should have by now $7.75 (15500*0.0005) - For the sake of "accuracy", lets discount 5% from $7.75, that is 0.3875 (7.75*0.05) - So, you MUST have $7.36 in your account by now, isn't it? ------------------ - QUICK RECAP: - Check how many "Bulk Ad Campaign" you have created so far and multiply by 3100) - (open it on a second page http://www.paidverts.com/member/my_ad_campaigns.html) - Check your balance (money ever received/cashed out) - recalling that $1.00 = 2000BAPs (or 1BAP = $0.0005) - and check if it sums up with the BAPs you have (Example: if you have $5.00 (5.00*2000=10.000BAPs) or ($5.00/0.0005=10.000BAPs)) - You can bother to discount the 5% as mentioned, but it is not big deal - Do the math and post here by saying: - "Yes, the numbers fit and it is great to me" or - "No, I can't answer the PaidVerts Challenge, I am sorry" or even - "???!!!???... is going on here? I have created over 10 campaigns and I don't have all those BAPs or even all that money in my account..." Thanks you all...and don't panic :) 2015.Sep.4th
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